In, Out, Up, Down June 30, 2015 Neither the carriers of a Christ-yoke, nor the navigators of heavier spiritual paths, ever quite escape the... Happy Birthday (Mister / Darling) May 22, 2015 When airplanes (in literature and song) fall from the sky, there is liable to... Salvation December 24, 2012 If salvation is to rise again "in the faces of our children, and in... dregs December 18, 2012 In 2011 I made a Christmas card out of coffee dregs. It involved a... Reading Genesis December 18, 2012 Reading Genesis without knowledge of ancient languages, ancient history, archaeology, and philosophy is like... If you were to represent God as a human, what would he look like? December 18, 2012 The occasion for this question today is its appearance this week in a sermon... radical redemption December 18, 2012 Re - deem: to "deem" again e.g. I deem you worthy. I dub you friend I assign you... whom do you love? what do you believe? December 18, 2012 Most people that I've met hold at least two kinds of commitments: commitments to people commitments... the act of faith December 18, 2012 Allow me to deconstruct your world for you. It will only take a second. Faith... transformation November 24, 2012 Not so long ago, people were displaced, families disrupted, battles fought, and arguments heated,... Marx and Foucault June 4, 2012 Crude Marxism says "there is the base and the superstructure, and there is nothing... montreal poem May 21, 2012 Gotta get some bearings today, feel like I'm coasting. with ease, through this journey now. Like I... McLuhanisms May 16, 2012 When you enter the church through the backdoor you don't have to first swallow... Cradle to Cradle Design May 7, 2012 How do we love all the children of all the species for all time? stewardship... Western Seeker March 9, 2012 If you have to wait until your "Western Seeker" mode becomes outmoded, and uncool,... pragmatism February 21, 2012 Occham's razor favours the simplest solution. Water favours the path of least resistance. People prefer the... certainty January 30, 2012 Why are we convinced that in spite of the complexity of the world, our... restorative justice January 30, 2012 We should base justice on creating restoration, by addressing root causes of problems. This... exile January 18, 2012 Peter Enns compares Adam's banishment from Eden to Israel's exile, in this mind-expanding talk which I... As far as the east is from the west... December 28, 2011 far has been the journey of the Genevan tunes. The Turkish psalms of Polish Hugenot,... tentative December 13, 2011 Tense sensitive quietly siezed by the day, waits, receives, depends, endures (inner) drought, takes taken-for-grantedness for granted beams intentional... limits November 30, 2011 Instead of looking at your limits as something bad, see them as blessings: gifts... restless November 27, 2011 Be still my soul the universe is on your side, and will defeat all your enemies and... a pity party November 25, 2011 Theistic evolution, when followed to its end, may lead Christians to question the authority... breaking up November 22, 2011 What I represent to her now is failed relationship, ample weight for sinking, and pacified potential, dragged... plain and simple November 17, 2011 No matter how hard I wish for plain simplicity, the world I live in... For You November 11, 2011 As a child, I listened to a lot of Christian music. I did not... flying solo November 8, 2011 In certain church subcultures, strength is derived from emphasis on marriages and family. That... on CBC haters October 27, 2011 So I get this random email criticising CBC for airing Katy Brand's Big Ass... barmeno October 11, 2011 I discovered this typeface today on the side of an "Adamson Lawn Care" trailer... Filter - All