radical redemption

Re – deem:

to “deem” again

e.g. I deem you worthy.

I dub you friend

I assign you the identity “loved”.

Jesus came to save sinners like me. The story sweeps me off my feet, and into a dustbin, where I join other creatures whose origins are “mere-dust ” on a train towards new opportunities for flourishing, and nourishment. Hummus   is the best identity, an opportunity to be the fertile ground for others to grow in. And then there’s the traditional way to see redemption: a story in which someone cared enough about this scumbag of a body to do something about it. That’s inspiring too.

In my art, I want to celebrate all the (pond) scum I encounter. It’s naive probably, but I like the challenge of making something out of leftovers. Lipo Osteo employs a discarded rack of antlers and a planet made of breakfast aftermath (bacon grease).

Kosher. Ish.

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