• Pacts and Impacts – Essay for LANDSCRAPES

    Pacts and Impacts – Essay for LANDSCRAPES

    This essay first appeared as part of my LANDSCRAPES exhibition at the you me gallery in February 2013 I get a lot of joy by looking carefully at landscapes. It’s an experience that I’ve made into a life-pattern: habitually recording panoramic vistas at hyper resolution. My camera and imaging tools help me to discover colours,…


  • Salvation

    If salvation is to rise again “in the faces of our children, and in the voices of our song”, then “by works” and “by grace” define possible attitudes towards our (human and poetic) progeny.


  • if you believe…

    If you believe this world is slated for destruction anyway, what motivation would you have to protect it?


  • history and fiction

    History is the fiction we invented to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. We ourselves are the event that life invented to persuade fiction that history is knowable and has order and direction.


  • dregs


    In 2011 I made a Christmas card out of coffee dregs. It involved a bit of self critique and second-guessing about how the principle of radical redemption doesn’t necessarily work. In the end I sort of forced the issue, and made it “work”, but here’s what went through my mind: So you made a tree from…


  • in a mechanical universe…

    …is it absurd to talk about the birth of a star, since “birth” is a loaded term filled with such human gravity as mere molecules would eschew?


  • Reading Genesis

    Reading Genesis without knowledge of ancient languages, ancient history, archaeology, and philosophy is like looking through a microscope without any assistance from James Pawley’s Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy, or anything or the sort. I might see interesting things, but they could be even more interesting if I were willing to discipline myself to use…


  • If you were to represent God as a human, what would he look like?

    The occasion for this question today is its appearance this week in a sermon at Eucharist by Kevin Makins. I’ve thought about this before, as has Joan Osborne, but now it’s time to put it out there. In answer to the query “If you were to represent God as a human, what would he look…


  • radical redemption

    Re – deem: to “deem” again e.g. I deem you worthy. I dub you friend I assign you the identity “loved”. Jesus came to save sinners like me. The story sweeps me off my feet, and into a dustbin, where I join other creatures whose origins are “mere-dust ” on a train towards new opportunities…
