
Entanglements is a short film about stray plastic (caution tape, shopping bags, packing materials, etc.) as it becomes enmeshed in the branches of trees and as it wafts along the edges of buildings. The film employs a self-conscious dialogue, in which the subject/object distinction is intentionally blurred. This creates a push pull, where on the one hand the artist speaks autobiographically, but on the other and is narrating stories for the experiences of a collective (material) other.

Entanglements was completed in 2015 the context of my M.A. studies during which I had the pleasure of working with Professor Liss Platt. In this setting, I also produced a short essay about the piece, in which I explore how the work is situated in the genre of documentary.

  Entanglements Essay

The film was screened at the Factory Media Centre on November 10th and 11th, (the timing coincided with the 2016 Hamilton Film Festival) The work was well received, being described as “most art-oriented” of the films on view.


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